Social Media Protections for Children
Parents, teachers, school staff, and students themselves are concerned about the immediate and long-term consequences of social media exposure, algorithm-driven addictive behavior, and unwarranted personal data collection.
We know from recent polling and data collected by social media companies that our children are spending many hours involved with social media. Social media companies collect personal information without consent or adult supervision, design algorithms that feed addictive behavior, and expose our children to potentially dangerous materials and experiences.
To protect children from harmful practices by social media companies and the third parties they sell personal data to, I support the SAFE for Kids Act and the Child Data Protection Act. Both of these bills were passed by the Legislature this year and are awaiting the Governor’s signature.
I encourage Governor Hochul to sign these bills into law and afford social media protections for our children.
The SAFE for Kids Act restricts addictive feed algorithms that keep kids on platforms for extended periods of time, requires parental consent for users under 18, and requires that social media companies make their algorithms more transparent. Right now, those algorithms, or sets of rules that feed new content to users based on their interactions with posts, are a “black box” for children and adults alike.
The Child Data Protection Act stops companies from collecting personal data from users under 12 without parental consent and from users under 18 without informed consent. Companies will be required to establish data protection mechanisms for all children and cannot allow use of their platform to companies that violate the consent requirements.
I attended a school board meeting recently where the High School Principal reported on data and studies indicating the harmful effects on students due to social media. The Principal, who has years of teaching and administrative experience, said that teachers, staff, parents, and students themselves are concerned about the immediate and long-term consequences of social media exposure, algorithm-driven addictive behavior, and unwarranted personal data collection.
I served on the Fredonia Central School Board for 12 years and represented children and families both as an attorney and a Family Court Magistrate for over 10 years. Given those experiences and being a parent, and now a grandparent, I know and appreciate the power – and problems – that social media presents for our children. These legislative proposals are essential to protect our children.
And, if elected in November, I will continue to work to ensure our children are safe respecting social media.